Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Post.... FINALLY!!!

Hello everyone. I know, it has been a long time! What can I say. Life just gets crazy sometimes and it is hard to find time to breathe! So Chris is doing well. He had surgery on his knee about a month ago. He had a frayed ACL and a torn pica. He is doing well now and is in a lot less pain. He is on his last semester of school this fall. He is scheduled to graduate in December and he cannot wait to move on. I am still working and going to school. Still trying to loose weight. I have lost about 10 lbs. but I have come to a stand still. I have an appointment with an internist this month so maybe he will be able to help me. I have started bleeding again. I go to the hospital today for some cultures and tests. They have moved my infusion date up to see if we can get the bleeding to stop. I sure hope that it works. After feeling so good for a little while it really sucks to feel crappy again. In other news I am really enjoying being an aunt. Connor is such a cutie. I fall in love with him more and more every day. It is great to have a little one around to satisfy those baby cravings! Here are a few pictures of our latest happenings.

My 28th B-day in June. We ate at the Bombay House (Indian Food, YUM!) Shelby made me a yummy and beautiful orange cake!

My little Connor is such a cutie!

Chris worked on my birthday so Mom and Shelby took me out!